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Ferrari 250 R | Cars

Ferrari 250 R

From £79
3 miles (default)

Extra 3 miles

Sighting Laps

The Car


The most powerful brand in the world, synonymous with speed, luxury and wealth. For me, when you say Ferrari, I think of some of the most beautiful cars ever designed, by legends like Sergio Scaglietti and Pininfarina, cars like the 250 GTO, 250 GT California and the 288 GTO to name just a few, oh and lets not forget the 250 Testa Rossa!

The record shows that 34 examples of the Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa were built, after the legends from Maranello evaluated, and rejected, some other strategies for contesting the World Sportscar Championship in 1958

Back in the fifties, Ferrari was beginning to dominate the motorsport world, building some of the greatest race cars to ever grace the tarmac. One of those was the 250 Testa Rossa, which won the 24 Hours of Le Mans three times in four years of service.

With it sleek, sloping design, thanks to Pininfarina, this is more of a masterpiece, a work of art, maybe even Ferraris greatest ever car. There is one thing for sure, this is one of those cars that will forever be revered as one of the most incredible successes of automotive and designing achievement.

Here you have a very rare opportunity to drive a recreation of the real thing, using exact drawings and dimensions, giving the same power output, we have meticulously recreated this masterpiece.

Vehicle Stats

Questa è davvero una cosa di indiscutibile bellezza. (This truly is a thing of unquestionable beauty.)

Vehicle – Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa

Power Unit – 3.0L V12

Horsepower - 400 bhp 


Another great day at the track with Car Chase Heroes raising the bar with over 70 laps each this time with 12 in the Ferrari 250R which is really great drive. A big thanks goes to Georgia, Rosie, Michaela and of course our instructor Barry Pomfret for his expert guidance. Looking forward to the next time!!

Graham Powell
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